A predisposition is the genetic makeup that influences the phenotype of an individual organism, or species or population. It is technically defined as the increased probability of suffering or not from a disease, characteristic or phenotype in particular. By definition, a phenotype can be modified by environmental conditions.


If, by definition, a genetic predisposition to a certain disease could somehow be altered by the environment, know it and defeat it. Get to know yourself better. You will make better decisions...you will live better.


GENETIC PREDISPOSITION | The power of knowing – learn who you are deep down!



Human genomes, although practically identical to each other, have small differences that can be observed in phenotypes (this is what enables us to distinguish ourselves from others), for example we have different features or specific characteristics that identify us within one population or another, between one race and others and even within our own family.


No life form expresses more than what its genetic constitution permits. Knowing the genotype of an individual guides us to learning their potential phenotype; however, it is not enough to know your actual phenotype, since the environment has a major influence on the development of humans and could alter it.


Differences that can appear in the phenotype of individuals with a similar genotype are called environmental variation. When these individuals live in different environmental conditions, for example, diet, moisture, light, temperature, etc., their phenotype or characteristics manifest differently. This could also change your predisposition to complex diseases.


Consider miGENétika the window to your insides, to your genetic makeup, and see the diseases to which you are predisposed. This does not mean that they will appear! It is more like a warning and unique and important knowledge about yourself that you could share with your doctor in order to work together to prevent what could happen.

When you know your genetics, you will be able to make better decisions about your health. You will have the power of knowledge in your hands in order to participate fully in your life project.




1) Risk factors:

These reports show their results for specific genetic variants that are associated with an increased risk of developing certain health conditions. However, these reports can not tell you if you are definitely going to, or not, develop the condition. Keep in mind that there are other genetic variants linked to these conditions that are not covered by these reports. Environmental and lifestyle factors can also contribute to these conditions. If any of these conditions occur in your family or you think you might have any of these conditions, check with a health care provider about the appropriate tests.


2) Response to certain medications

This section shows your status regarding the genetic variations that have been related to the differences in how people respond to medications. These may be differences in sensitivity or in the likelihood or severity of side effects. Do not suspend or change an existing drug regimen based on this information; You should consult your doctor if your genetics indicates a sensitivity to non-standard medications or an increased risk of side effects.


3) Genetic traits

Some of our physical attributes are completely determined by genetics, while others are influenced by many genetic as well as non-genetic factors. This section includes easily detectable phenotypes such as eye color and also more subtle features, such as when you get your first tooth.


GENETIC ANCESTORS | Discover who you are and where you come from


With the results of miGENetika, you will be able to obtain information about your ethnic origin and the parts of the world your family came from. Your results will be an excellent starting point for learning more about yourself and how your genetics will influence your future generations.




"Imagine you see people from other regions of the world, and you become physically familiar with them, and you wonder why the similarity of features" "I look a bit like, something, in fact I look a lot like these people. I am similar to them. We look physically. What if I had something of this race in my blood? Maybe


These DNA tests provide fragmented information, meaning that it strongly approximates the places where one of your ancestors came from. If your result indicates that you have Italian blood, some of your ancestors may have been there. But it is a single person of hundreds of ancestors. "


Your genetic makeup tells you what percentage of your DNA comes from each of 31 populations around the world. This analysis includes the DNA he received from all his recent ancestors, on both sides of his family. The results reflect where their ancestors lived before the widespread migrations of the last hundred years. Your results will be an excellent starting point to learn more about you, where you come from and your family's past.




1) Where are you from?

Your genetic makeup tells you what percentage of your DNA comes from each of 31 populations around the world. This analysis includes the DNA he received from all his recent ancestors, on both sides of his family. The results reflect where their ancestors lived before the widespread migrations of the last hundred years. Your results will be an excellent starting point to learn more about you, where you come from and your family's past.


2) Where are your genetic potatoes?

Paternal haplogroups are families of Y chromosomes that go back to a single mutation at a specific time and place. Maternal haplogroups are families of mitochondrial DNA types that date back to a single mutation at a specific time and place. By looking at the geographic distribution of these related lineages, we learn how our ancient ancestors migrated throughout the world.


 3) How much DNA do you have from a Neanderthal?

From the bones found in the Vindija cave in Croatia, scientists extracted DNA from Neanderthal. The use of these samples that laboriously assembled Neanderthal genome sequence. The Neanderthals were a group of humans living in Europe and Western Asia. They are the closest evolutionary relatives of modern humans, but they became extinct about 40,000 years ago. The first Neanderthals arrived in Europe about 200,000 years ago. Neandertals and modern humans - Homo sapiens - lived for thousands of years. Genetic evidence suggests they cross and although Neanderthals disappeared about 40,000 years ago, traces of their DNA are found between 1 and 4 percent in all modern humans outside of Africa. Apart from the curiosity of finding what percentage of the modern human genome is Neanderthal, information has great value for science. By comparing our DNA with Neanderthal DNA, scientists can detect the most recent evolutionary changes as we evolve into fully modern humans.

GENETIC DISTANCE | Learn who your relatives are



Genetic distance is a measurement of the difference in genetic material between different species or individuals of the same genus.


At miGENetika, your information is compared to that of other people in our database and it identifies the relationship that exists between them. In short, whether there is a relationship between them, or how distant their origins are.


Through the unique information that miGENetiks possesses, close relatives could be identified that you maybe do not know. You could also discover them in other parts of the world, or even in your city. Do you dare?

Your DNA is your genetic signature in this world. Find out where you come from and where you are going.





1) Meet friends or distant relatives who have part of your DNA

miGENetika will be able to compare genetic information with other people in our database and identify the relationship between them. In short, their kinship or how distant are their roots. miGENetika will identify close relatives in your database that you may not know, dare!


2) Play with your partner's DNA

Add your partner to your account and miGENetika will play with their DNA. It will show you how your children could be, their traits, the color of their eyes, the color of their hair, some hereditary genetic risks in others. Dare, it will surprise you.



Add relatives and friends or your partners to your account and miGENetika will play with their DNA. It will show you your genetic distance (father, brother, cousin, etc.), in what they are common and in what they are not. Genetic distance is a measure of the difference in genetic material between different species or individuals of the same species. In short, know how close you are genetically of your friends, partners or family.



HOW IT WORKS | How do I begin?


miGENetika is carried out through a simple, but important saliva test in the convenience of your home. Order your kit on our web site (add link) and you will also find the necessary instructions there. When your results are ready, you will be informed by e-mail.

Send a small sample of your saliva in the prepaid envelope that comes in the kit.



Between 6 and 8 weeks after the sample is received, we will send you an e-mail with the link to which you alone have access. We will protect your information with a secret code that is just for you.




Order your kit on our web site and follow the instructions included.


We will test your DNA with the most innovative genetic markers.













